I'm sure Andy will have something to say about this, because of how extremely American he is, but this was a statement on americas obsession with ipods, iphones, macbooks and all other mac products, I am definitely not the exception!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
This is something that I just did while trying to cure my never ending boredom in contemporary art class
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
This is from some type project for school that I had to make an image using nothing but type, so this is what I did, A parrot. I'm just chillin in my room tonight, workin on my portfolio. I have a book that I wrote and illustrated...well, it's the story of the Pied Piper I just wrote it as one of my little poems, just tryin to think of how to get all of the pages on here with out it looking cluttered! plus I don't wanna be that guy that writes poems!:)
Friday, September 11, 2009
My moms been giving me alot of crap for my foul language so I wasn't going to post these poems, but everyone liked them so much, and i'm an adult, so I decided to post them anyways:) Curse words are sort of a by-product of serving 5 years in the Navy!
Dear John-Paul, Last night you got super sh*t-faced
From the way you acted, I think your drink was laced.
I think you have been spending too much time with Milo, your evil cat.
Because where else would you learn to pounce and tackle like that!
The tackling thing was probably Mike’s idea!
Seriously, I hope that dude gets diarrhea!
It’s ok though because normally you’re the most mild mannered person I know
If you are ever mad, you most certainly never let it show.
You, Angie and I are all super accident prone
We’ve collectively had injuries including my brain, Angie’s face, and your collar bone.
My favorite thing this year was to ride bikes with you guys that are fix geared.
My least favorite this year was when you got drunk and tried to eat my beard.
Dear Andy Pappi
Last night Batmosh got in a scrappy
You roundhouse kicked some guy in the face
And probably sent his head flying into outer space
But anyways, I enjoy hanging out with you
And all of the rest of the Batmosh Crew
You’re a good friend because you don’t c**k block me like Mike does
But hey, he has an excuse; he likes to catch a buzz
When it comes to saying witty things, you really have a knack
But you would be a better friend if you grew your mustache back!
You have the coolest car in the history of mankind
Were both so American that it would probably be dangerous if our powers combined!
I have a contemporary art class and for the class, for homework each week we have to replicate the artist of the week. This past week was Mariko Mori, she basically just puts herself into a fantasy type situation. I have to admit, I am not a fan of this type of art. I threw this together in about 10 minutes, I kinda just felt like being a smart ass and make my fantasy really wierd:) Original photo by Matt Lingo
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Well, I guess i'm gonna post a new one since it's midnight, It was JP's birthday about an hour ago, now it's Andy's birthday, happy birthday guys!! I decided that I should post the footdown flyer that I made, the bar didn't use it, so I took out the dates and made it into a rad flyer with glitter in it, because seriously who doesn't love glitter!:) If you want one, just let me know, I have only a few left but i'll make some more if you want. To explain to those of you that don't frequent The Ruby Room or attend the monthly ritual dance party known as FootDown, it's a huge party and most of the attendees like to drink the Philadelphia special "Phili Special". Thanks again for reading!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Oh! I wanted to also post the poem that I read to Dan and Danielle at their wedding, I know that not everyone was lucky enough to be invited, and unfortunately, It was not recorded! I also designed a card, but someone said that I should read it as a speech, and it was a huge success at the reception and I'm really glad that I could ad to such a great night, thanks again Dan and Danielle, and congratulations!
Heres the card.... then there's me after i gave the speech, i was kinda nervous:) Photo by Matt Lingo, go look at his website right now!!! After Looking at mine of course;)

Heres the card.... then there's me after i gave the speech, i was kinda nervous:) Photo by Matt Lingo, go look at his website right now!!! After Looking at mine of course;)

I am excited to finally start a blog that people will hopefully be interested in. I am going to attempt to chronicle my my ongoing efforts into becoming a successful graphic designer and human being! For those of you that are reading this and did not know that I am a graphic designer, i am attempting to correct this effective immediately! I have come to realize that if i don't put myself out there and become competitive, I will never make it in this sad, cruel, lonely world:)...
That being said the first thing I would like to show you guys is my brief attempt at video editing! I used a cheap camera and After Effects, a video editing program that I love to Work with, the concept was a fake bicycle trick video/trailer, I edited the video and wrote the "script" if you will, and chose a super cheesy metal song to go with it:) My thanks to Mike Lashua for starring and Jenamindtricks for filming some of the shots that I starred in, enjoy!
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