I am excited to finally start a blog that people will hopefully be interested in. I am going to attempt to chronicle my my ongoing efforts into becoming a successful graphic designer and human being! For those of you that are reading this and did not know that I am a graphic designer, i am attempting to correct this effective immediately! I have come to realize that if i don't put myself out there and become competitive, I will never make it in this sad, cruel, lonely world:)...
That being said the first thing I would like to show you guys is my brief attempt at video editing! I used a cheap camera and After Effects, a video editing program that I love to Work with, the concept was a fake bicycle trick video/trailer, I edited the video and wrote the "script" if you will, and chose a super cheesy metal song to go with it:) My thanks to Mike Lashua for starring and Jenamindtricks for filming some of the shots that I starred in, enjoy!
Neat'o Burrito Dude! But were are the fanny packs with the built in U-lock holster? You can't do serious tricks with out one of them bad boys around your waist.-Bonde